This setting will affect battery life, and depending on where it is, the updates may not be entirely accurate. While is advertises “real-time” the reality is that it updates once per minute, thirty, or ten seconds – depending on your setting. You also need to recognize that this service is run by a tech that is not as widespread as most cellphone GPS trackers. Make sure to follow the instruction guide that comes with this tracker. It appears that it will last at least 3-4 days, but there are sometimes problems when recharging it. There are diverse opinions in the reviews about its battery life. It is detectable by someone who knew what they were looking for but depending on where you attached it to your motorcycle, it may take them a bit of time to identify it. It comes in about the size of a heavy keychain, so if you are looking for something tiny, this is not it. This is a mid-range GPS tracker both regarding cost and ability. Let’a start with this Americaloc mini portable GPS tracker.
ATian Vehicle Car personal GPS/GSM/GPRS/SMS Trackerġ AMERICALOC G元00W Mini Portable Real-Time GPS Tracker.MotoSafety Mwaas1P1 Wired 3G GPS Car Tracker.Trackmate Mini 3G H GPS Tracker for Vehicles.Amcrest AM-G元00 V3 Portable Mini Real-Time GPS Tracker for Vehicles.